Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Purple Creations

I sometimes find that after I made a few pieces of jewelry out of the same color beads I always have left over beads that don't match. At first this really frustrated me and so when I would go shopping I would try to find more of the same, and eventually I was tired of working with the same beads over and over again. So I decided to combine all the leftover purple bead I had acquired and was rather suprised at how it turned out:

I learned that even the odds and ends of everything can create something beautiful. After my Mom had her surgery I decided to give it to her a a gift. She loves purple and I figured this would be the perfect piece for her cause she could wear it with all different purples. This next photo is of a necklace I made for one of my friends at work. She also wears a lot of purple but loves the accents of silver. So I decided to take a spin off a couple of other necklaces I had made and came up with this:

Sorry that the photo is not the best but you get the jist of what it should look like. I have really loved learning how to make different types and styles of jewelry.

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